Welcome Paula

Welcome to Paula, who is joining us to teach RE:balance Yoga on the 2nd and 4th Thursday evening of each month 6.30pm - 8.00pm. Classes will start on Thursday 5th October.

RE:balance Yoga combines ancient Yoga principles with contemporary body psychotherapeutic principles.

The practice is Hatha yoga based, taking inspiration from Forrest Yoga techniques whilst integrating body psychotherapy principles. It’s been designed to address both the physical and emotional stresses and challenges of living today. Classes are 1.5 hours 

Forrest yoga gets you strong and centred by connecting you to your core. It uses vigorous workouts and deep breathing to sweat out toxins. The long holds in the pose sequences help you flush, oxygenate, and rejuvenate every cell. 

Body psychotherapy principles are focused on researching and understanding the body and its connection to psychology. They integrate the body, brain, and human behaviour. 

By day Paula works as a leadership development coach and is the Programme Director for the General Management Programme at Cranfield University. She uses her experience, MSc in Psychology, along with 200 hours of Hatha Yoga, 300 Hour Yoga Psychology and a further 200 Hour Re: Balance yoga teacher training to tailor her yoga practice to the needs of individuals navigating the joys and challenges of life in 2023 and beyond. 

Contact Paula on 07912410730 or email paula.maxwell75@gmail.com


Find your balance


Autumn Sound Healing