Find your balance

Did you know that around 1 in 3 adults over 65 will have at least one fall a year? This figure rises to half of people over 80.

While not all serious, falls can result in a loss of confidence, a sense of isolation and frustration or sadness at a perceived loss of independence.

It is possible, however, to take action to limit your risk of falls by increasing your strength, balance and confidence.

Chair yoga is perfect for this - either by doing the gentle exercises seated, or using the chair to lean on for additional support.

Sessions are tailored to each individuals ability and are a fun way to connect with people, as well as a chance to learn relaxing breathing techniques, which can be practiced at home to help with stress or anxiety.

The first session is free - so come and try it out.

Contact Jeanette on 07754077516 to book your place


Re:balance Yoga


Welcome Paula